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     Story-Arc Animations is a group of gamers, artist & animators located in the West Coast, preferably in the state of Arizona. The team has been formed in mid 2012 when season 1 of Marvel Super Heroes came out in the summer, but not really as officially as most teams. Now we have a official group of animators & artist such as DizzyTheConquer, Azrael & Jericho.

     Story-Arc came into the media world with simple sprite videos. They started to receive a lot of attention due to a sprite fight that came out labeled as "Dream Match - Goku vs Superman". The video was mixed to the public due to the highly anticipated "Death Battle" episode starring Goku & Superman. This group is also known for the sprite series "Marvel Super Heroes", a sprite base series that has 9 episodes as of now with duration landing close to 30 minutes. The public's feedback was also mixed as well, but it did good enough to earn a second season which is in the works as we speak, along with other shows in the works such as A.N.G.E.L, CyberSkate, Ethereal & United Battle Force. Part of the team has disband but DizzyTheConquer has kept the flame burning.

     This group also do live appearances in the West Coast. The very first appearance was at Youmacon 2012 in Detroit, Mi. Unfortunately we were unprepared but Dizzy's words lead them to have faith in us & we thank both DizzyTheConquer & the fans for that! This group will do more appearances in cons but not that much due to financial problems. But either way it goes, Story-Arc Animations is here to stay for as long as possible. We thank you for your continued support!


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